Recently an opportunity to discuss a Christian Worldview on a television show prompted me to gather my resources, books and thoughts about the topic.  More than just a way to view life, a Biblical or Christian worldview provides us with a lens from which to engage all of life.  It is meant to activate and involve us in every arena believing that the earth is the Lord’s, as we read in Psalm 24.1.

Thus, becoming a student of God’s word through daily devotions, family prayer time and Bible study develops our ability to see God all around us.  Over time, we grow to recognize his nature and his ways.  In addition, we learn more about ourselves; created in the image of God and yet fallen.  Central in this self-discovery is God’s story of redemption, Jesus Christ and of eternity’s promise.  We learn of a created seen world and of one that is invisible, of things good and bad that have occurred on this earth since it began.

Thus, it is from this well-developed lens, this way of viewing things,  that we joyfully embark into a lifetime of learning and doing. The Bible informs our learning in every arena and bids us to engage every square inch of the world.

Thus, when we study mathematics, we discover that numbers, their order, universality, and immutability are a direct reflection of their creator.  He who loves to measure created the ordered and numbered universe.  When Euclid, ancient Greek mathematician elocuted on the principles of geometry, it was because God first revealed those truths to him.  The Christian echoes Saint Augustine’s declaration, “All truth comes from God”, and that down through history, God has used whomsoever he willed to reveal truth.  We are the rich beneficiaries of truth in every arena of learning.

A biblical worldview reminds us that we have received a legacy of truth, consistent with the order, precision, and dependability of God the father and passed down through generations to us.  It comes with a great obligation, to learn and then to engage the world around us, working to make it a better place, Coram Deo.

Robi Marshall
Co-Founder of Coram Deo Academy and Senior Consultant with Marshall Education Group