The Headmaster Visionary – Head Teacher – CEO

Article XIV: Classical Education is Formal, Traditional, Rich and Rewarding The second installment of a speech entitled “Classical Liberal Arts Education” delivered to the Coram Deo Academy College of Faculty at a Headmaster’s Day. A classical education is precise and formal: In the tradition of the west, this is education that is chronological and ordered, [...]

The Headmaster Visionary – Head Teacher – CEO2011-04-26T06:09:40+00:00

A Lenten Reflection for Wednesday of Holy Week from Mark 14:32-42

The Agony of Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane Mark 14: 32 They went to a place called Gethsemane, and Jesus said to his disciples, “Sit here while I pray.” 33 He took Peter, James and John along with him, and he began to be deeply distressed and troubled. 34 “My soul is overwhelmed with [...]

A Lenten Reflection for Wednesday of Holy Week from Mark 14:32-422011-04-20T21:45:39+00:00

The Headmaster Visionary – Head Teacher – CEO

Article XIIl: The Head Teacher’s Hall of Heroes As Head Teacher of Coram Deo Academy in Dallas/Fort Worth, I wrote blogs, sent letters, delivered speeches, posted pod casts, held great books conversations, served as a local newspaper columnist and used any available means of persuasion to build cohesion around classical education.  I knew the whole [...]

The Headmaster Visionary – Head Teacher – CEO2011-04-19T19:48:51+00:00

The Headmaster: Visionary – Head Teacher – CEO

Article XIl: The Head Teacher Unfolds the Worldview Behind Two Great Leaders – Continued Our mission to educate youth in a historic Christian worldview compels us to examine men and movements like these through use of questions like those developed by Walsh and Middleton, in The Transforming Vision.  With their questions let us seek some [...]

The Headmaster: Visionary – Head Teacher – CEO2011-04-05T20:11:29+00:00

The Headmaster Visionary – Head Teacher – CEO

Article XI: The Headmaster Illustrates Worldview through Great Stories The wise teacher will use real events or fiction to help students learn to discover the underlying worldview of main characters to assess their thoughts and actions and thereby learn wisdom for their own lives.  Let me illustrate by comparing and contrasting Alexander the Great and [...]

The Headmaster Visionary – Head Teacher – CEO2011-03-22T20:59:54+00:00

The Headmaster Visionary – Head Teacher – CEO

Article X: The Headmaster (teacher) as Chief Exponent of a Christian world and life view The Headmaster as Head Teacher addresses every constituency about the ideas, processes and purpose of the academy.  Teaching the meta-narrative and how to understand it is one of my favorite subjects and the principal reason for my career choice as [...]

The Headmaster Visionary – Head Teacher – CEO2011-03-15T21:08:37+00:00

The Headmaster: Visionary – Head Teacher – CEO

Article IX: A Strategic Plan to Reach an Entire Metropolitan Area or a Region I propose an orderly roll out of a strategic plan to reach an entire metropolitan area or a region by starting, growing, maturing, replicating and multiplying communities of teachers and learners through classical Christian schools.  These slides illustrate the process while [...]

The Headmaster: Visionary – Head Teacher – CEO2011-03-08T19:32:53+00:00

The Headmaster: Visionary – Head Teacher – CEO

Article VIII: The Headmaster Plans Strategically to Fulfill the Mission There are plenty of books and seminars on strategic planning many of which begin with SWOT Analysis.  This is all very valuable and available.  I also use it as a part of the strategic planning cycle.  However, I first rely on our Trinitarian impetus to [...]

The Headmaster: Visionary – Head Teacher – CEO2011-03-01T19:58:33+00:00

The Headmaster Visionary – Head Teacher – CEO

Article VII: The Headmaster Unpacks the School's Mission, Vision and Ends statements When the Board of Directors of Coram Deo Academy, which I founded in 1999, voted unanimously to amplify ENDS Policies, as Headmaster I sought to unpack each statement to help all school constituencies understand the significance of the Board’s action and how it [...]

The Headmaster Visionary – Head Teacher – CEO2011-02-22T22:14:39+00:00

The Liberating Affects of a Liberal Arts Education

CiRCE National Conference July 2010 The Liberating Affects of a Liberal Arts Education The education of Alexander contrasted with the Spartans Rodney J. Marshall Classical schools advance great ideas with the prayerful hope for an American renaissance. The education of youth for God in the great ideas will engender ethical leadership and wise thought which [...]

The Liberating Affects of a Liberal Arts Education2011-02-18T19:27:08+00:00
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